
Current Awards

2024 Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (Fiscal Year End June 30, 2023)

Presented by: Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada

Previous Years

2023 District Transparency Certificate of Excellence

Presented by: Special District Leadership Foundation

2023 Quality in IT Practices Award

Presented by: Municipal Information Systems Association of California

2022 Distinguished Budget Presentation Award

Annual Budget (Fiscal Year Start July 01, 2022)

Presented by: Government Finance Officers Association

2022 Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (Fiscal Year End June 30, 2022)

Presented by: Government Finance Officers Association

2023 Achievement in Excellence in Procurement

Presented by: National Procurement Institute

2022 Operating Budget Excellence Award

Presented by: CSMFO

2021 Achievement in Excellence in Procurement

Presented by: National Procurement Institute

2021 Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting

For the District's Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

Presented by: Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)

2021 Distinguished Budget Presentation

For the Disctrict's Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget

Presented by: Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)

2021 Excellence in Action

For the District's SoFi Stadium Recycled Water Project

Presented by: WateReuse Association

2021 Operating Budget Excellence Award Fiscal Year 2020-2021

Presented by: California Society of Municipal Finance Officers

2020 Utility of the Future Today

For the District's Water Reuse Program

Presented by: Presented by: Water Environment Federation (WEF), National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA), Water Research Foundation (WRF) and WateReuse Association

2020 Recycled Water Customer of the Year

For the District's Dominguez Technology Center recycled water connection

Presented by: WateReuse California

2020 Water/Environment Best Project

For the District's Hyperion Secondary Effluent Pump Station Improvements

Presented by: Engineering News Record California

2020 Hermes Creative Gold Award: Best Integrated Media

For the District's Change & Save water conservation program's integrated marketing campaign

Presented by: Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals

2020 Achievement of Excellence in Procurement®

Presented by: National Procurement Institute

2020 Operating Budget Excellence Award Fiscal Year 2019-2020

Presented by: California Society of Municipal Finance Officers

2019 Achievement of Excellence in Procurement®

Presented by: National Procurement Institute

2019 District Transparency Certificate of Excellence

Presented by: Special District Leadership Foundation

2019 Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting

For the District’s 2017-2018 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

Presented by: Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA)

2019 President’s Special Recognition Award

Presented by: ACWA JPIA

2018 Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting

For the District’s 2016-2017 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

Presented by: Government Finance Officers Association

2018 Achievement of Excellence in Procurement®

Presented by: National Procurement Institute

2017 Innovation Award

For the District’s new methodology resulting in more accurate financial statements and data regarding the cost of replacing capital assets.

Presented by: California Society of Municipal Finance Officers

2017 President’s Special Recognition Award

For the District’s achievement of a low ratio of “Paid Claims and Case Reserves” to “Deposit Premiums” in the Liability Program for the period 10/01/2013 – 09/30/2016

Presented by: ACWA JPIA

2015 Engineering Project of the Year

Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility Phase V Expansion Project

Presented by: Los Angeles Basin Section of the California Water Environment Association

2014 Design-Build Award

Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility Phase V Expansion

Presented by: Design-Build Institute of America Western Pacific Region

2012 VEER

A New Direction in Water Reuse for recycling reverse osmosis membranes

Presented by: Watersurplus


Branding and Reputation Management

Presented by: Public Relations Society of America

2011 Community Relations

Water Reliability 2020 Outreach

Presented by: Public Relations Society of America, Los Angeles Chapter

2011 National Person of the Year, Rich Nagel

Presented by: WateReuse

2011 Desalination Facility of the Year

Presented by: WateReuse

2011 Excellence in Environmental Education

Presented by: Green Plumbers Association

2011 Distinguished Budget Presentation

Presented by: Government Finance Officer’s Association

2011 Best in Show

Water Reliability 2020

Presented by: Public Relations Society of America, Los Angeles Chapter

2010 Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility

Presented by: Communitas

2010 Certification of Excellence, Investment Policy

Presented by: Association of Public Treasurers, United States and Canada

2009 Distinguished Budget Presentation Award

Presented by: Government Finance Officers Association

2009 Recycled Water Community Outreach/Education Program of the Year

Presented by: WateReuse Association, California Section

2009 Certificate of Excellence Award

Presented by: Association of Public Treasurers of the United States and Canada

2009 Service Award for Outstanding Leadership and Projects

Presented by: National Council for Public-Private Partnerships (NCPPP)

2008 Excellence in Budgeting Award

Presented by: California Society of Municipal Finance Officers

2008 Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting

Presented by: Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada

2008 Energy Standard of Excellence

Presented by: Web Marketing Association

2008 Recycled Water Advocate of the Year

Rich Nagel

Presented by: California State Section of WateReuse Association

2007 Excellence in Energy Efficiency Award

Presented by: Southern California Edison

2007 Energy Award

Presented by: American Water Works Association, CA-NV Section

2007 Flex your Power Award, Energy Efficiency

solar panels and water and energy conservation partnerships

Presented by: State of California

2007 Best Project Water Excellence Award

Presented by: Design-Build Institute of America, Western Pacific Chapter

2007 Award of Merit: Public Works

Presented by: McGraw-Hill Construction Best ’07

2007 Public Water Agency of the Year

Presented by: Global Water Intelligence

2006 Community Outreach/Public Education Program of the Year Award

Presented by: WateReuse Association

2006 Highly Commended Agency of the Year

Presented by: Global Water Intelligence

2006 Flex your Power Award, Energy Efficiency

solar panels and water and energy conservation partnerships

Presented by: State of California

2005 National Project of the Year

West Basin Water Recycling Facility Phase IV Expansion

Presented by: WateReuse Association

2005 Recycled Water Agency of the Year Award

Presented by: WateReuse Association, California Section

2002 National Center for Water Treatment Technologies

West Basin Water Recycling Facility

Presented by: National Water Research Institute

2002 Outstanding Planned Project of the Year

West Basin’s Harbor/South Bay Water Recycling Project

Presented by: WateReuse Association

2002 Project of the Year

West Basin Water Recycling Facility

Presented by: California Water Environment Association, Los Angeles Basin Section
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