2020 Urban Water Management Plan



West Basin’s 2020 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) provides a detailed summary of present and future water supplies and demands within the District’s service area, and assesses its ongoing water resource needs. Specifically, the UWMP provides water supply planning for a 25-year period in five-year increments and identifies water supplies needed to meet existing and future demands. West Basin’s 2020 UWMP updates the 2015 UWMP in compliance with requirements of the California Urban Water Management Planning Act and the California Water Code.

As a recently added requirement, West Basin developed a Water Shortage Contingency Plan (WSCP) that is separate from the UWMP, demonstrating its ability to ensure reliable water supplies during various levels of water shortage, including catastrophic interruptions and emergency situations.

The WSCP is a strategic planning document that provides West Basin with a set of structured guidelines to address temporary water shortages, allowing the District to efficiently manage any type of shortage situation with a flexible suite of response actions.

In addition, West Basin appendices to both the 2015 UWMP and 2020 UWMP demonstrate consistency with the Delta Plan Policy WR P1, Reduced Reliance on the Delta Through Improved Regional Water Self-Reliance (California Code Reg., tit.23, §5003). The 2015 UWMP was amended only to report reduced reliance on the Delta, and this action is separate from adoption of the 2020 UWMP and adoption of the WSCP.


2020 Urban Water Management Plan
2021 Water Shortage Contingency Plan 
Appendix I Addendum to the 2015 UWMP (Delta Reliance)

For more information about West Basin’s Final 2020 UWMP, 2021 WSCP and Appendix I documents, please contact West Basin General Manager E.J. Caldwell at EdwardC@westbasin.org.


Draft 2020 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP)
Draft 2021 Water Shortage Contingency Plan (WSCP)
Draft Appendix I Addendum to the 2015 UWMP Reduced Reliance on the Delta


Appendix A – UWMP Checklist
Appendix B – UWMP Tables
Appendix D – Delta Reliance
Appendix E – Public Notices
Appendix G – West Coast Basin Adjudication Court Order


The public comment period for West Basin’s 2020 UWMP, 2021 WSCP, and Appendix I closed at 5:00 PM on June 9, 2021. West Basin held a public hearing on June 10, 2021, at 10:00 AM to receive comments on the draft documents.

Final adoption of the documents occurred at a regularly scheduled West Basin Board Meeting on June 28, 2021, at 1:00 PM.

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